Monday, December 2, 2013

Small Plate, Big Plate? That is the question.

Hey nerds!

Any of you who have tried going on a diet or who've tried loosing weight know that one of the oldest tricks in the book is using a smaller plate to trick your brain and your appetite into eating less than you'd actually want. There's also this saying "Don't bite off more than you can chew." for those of you who take on too many things, or in this case over eat and end up feeling guilty.

I don't plan on writing anything about weight loss nor do I think I ever will... I myself am on a constant mission to live a healthier lifestyle by cutting down this and that and exercising as regularly as I can, but with social media, studies and life getting in the way let's just say I know I can never be a health and wellness blogger. 

I actually want to use this metaphor as a way to insert a better perspective when it comes to our chores and the little life projects we embark on. 

It's true we don't have enough time now a days and it's also true that there are dreams and ambitions that are just not within the realm of our immediate possibilities, key word is 'immediate'. But if we really think about it, all the opportunities that come our way can somehow fit into our lives if we are able to manage expectations and time properly.

Take for example a buffet. In a buffet all the food is available for your consumption, ALL of it, you can even go back for seconds or thrids, heck even a seventh serving if your digestive systems permits you to. Thing is there's a time limit for that buffet and your stomach does have a limit. Sometimes you get to a buffet late so your time is lesser than the ones who came before you. Some people say that's too bad because you won't be able to pace yourself or it's possible that you won't get the chance to try all the food you'd want to try. Some people would say it's a good thing because you don't need to cue in line as long or you'd feel fuller faster thus making you eat less. If you think about it there are so many possibilities and strategies when it comes to dealing with buffets. I personally like to be there on time so I can pace myself and possibly go back for a second serving. I start with greens and try not to drink a lot of liquids. I choose food I don't have the luxury of eating regularly. I take my time when choosing the food that way it helps in the digestion and it gives me time to think about what I really want to eat next.

So again why the food reference? Well this might sound strange but this is exactly how I view opportunities, personal projects and dreams. All of us are given the same invite and there's a set time. All of us can choose to get bigger or smaller plates, and lastly ALL the FOOD is available for everyone. The difference? Intake capacity, buffet techniques and cravings. 

Just like the opportunities that come my way I always asses what I can manage given the time I have. I usually start with the small tasks in order to make room and time for the heavier and bigger ones. Once I've gotten the feel of everything I then decide on what new adventure best suits my capabilities. Then every now and then I take a step back to asses how everything is going. I ask myself if i'm efficient with my duties, I ask myself if there's room for improvement, and lastly I challenge myself. 

Just like in a buffet, there comes a point where you feel like you've eaten food enough to feed a village but then there's this tiny voice in your head that tells you "wait there's something you still haven't tried" or "there's something you really want to have more of". I think that is also how we should look at dreams and goals. 

Whenever we pick up a small plate we limit ourselves. We ourselves have put a hold on the amount of food we could intake. When we pick a big plate on the other hand we tend to either over eat or feel pressured to eat more than we bargained for. Thank goodness life doesn't come with small or big or medium plates, because we decide the size of our plate. 

I personally like expanding my plate. Having a plate keeps you on check, it gives you your limits and it lays out all the things you need to accomplish for the time being. But when the time comes that you feel there's more you want to take on you can move things around and make space or decide to expand your plate in order to accommodate new opportunities. 

Once again I mumble about things that probably don't affect your life or your current predicament, but I hope this makes you think a little. Are you limiting yourself? Are you happy with the size of your plate and that things that are on it? Are you spending the time you are given properly? Small qualms I hope I've aroused in you. 

Till my next ramble,

-smart aleck

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